Healthy, intelligent & athletic field bred working golden retrievers.
2021 Accomplishments
May 23, 2021
Congratulations to Beth Leggett Sokohl and Cinco on Cinco’s two Master Hunt Test Passes this weekend.
Cinco is out of our Sharlie and Beau Litter. Sharlie says, “well done, son.”
May 23, 2021
Pimms got the Reserve Jam at the Long Island Retriever Club Amateur Stake.
Way to go, Pimms.
Congratulations Paige Jones
May 23, 2021
Abby (Turbo’s Blue Absolut **) now has six derby points. She has seven months to go before she ages out of Derbies.
Another ribbon for Abby. She placed 4th in the Chattanooga Retriever Club Derby. What a consistent girl. She must really like these Derbies.
Congratulations to Tammy and Fred.
Abby is out of our Lilly and Hawk Litter.
May 16, 2021
Crue earned 2 Started Passes this weekend.
Crue is out of our Lilly and Joker Litter.
Good job, Crue!